برنامجAAA Logo 5.0 Cracked

أنشئ شعارات لموقعك على الويب أو طباعتها. فمن السهل القيام به مع شعار AAA! سيستغرق التنزيل والتثبيت أقل من دقيقة.
شعار AAA يمكنك إنشاء أي نوع من رسومات موقع الويب أو الرسومات التجارية تقريبًا للحصول على طباعة عالية الدقة. الشعارات واللافتات والأزرار والرؤوس والرموز لموقع الويب الخاص بك مع الألوان الغنية والتدرجات والظلال والتأملات. يمكن تصميم الرسومات التجارية مثل بطاقات العمل ، والخطابات ، والملصقات وغيرها من الأعمال المكتبية المطبوعة وطبعها مباشرة من شعار AAA أو يمكن

SWGSoft AAA Logo 5.0 File size 11 MB
You are minutes away from your new business logo! You can download free trial of AAA Logo right now! No registration or personal information is required, so why not give it a try? Create logos for your website or print. It is so easy to do with AAA Logo! The download and installation will take less than a minute. Not just for Logo Design
With AAA Logo you can create almost any type of website graphics or business graphics for high resolution printing. Logos, banners, buttons, headers and icons for your website with rich colors, gradients, shadows and reflections. Business graphics such as business cards, letterheads, posters and other business stationery can be designed and printed directly from AAA Logo or created images can be exported for use with other applications
Images for any industry
The choice of objects and templates in AAA Logo caters to a variety of businesses in most any industry, such as Technology, Finances, Healthcare, General Business and Retail, Education and Training, Travel and Tourism, Organizations, Sports and Fitness, Food and Beverage
Pro graphics in clicks
Now, anyone, regardless of creative ability, can blend shapes and text into an impressive logo in a few clicks. Just choose a logo layout you like from the collection of pre-build templates, edit the elements of the logo, add your business name and slogan. And finally, apply some styling. That's it. Now, you can export a logo project for printing or for the Web. In addition to pre-build logo templates, you can make logos by yourself from scratch
AAA Logo v.5.0 Features:
- New, re-designed vector icons library. Over 10.000 well ordered and grouped logo icons in simple categories
- AAA Logo will now automatically resize image when you change canvas width/height or resolution
- New color selection tool with ability to re-use colors from objects on canvas
- New "Last Styles" tool simplify re-use of styles from other shapes, templates and projects
برنامج Aaa Logo 5.0 Cracked
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برنامج Aaa Logo 5.0 Cracked
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برنامج Aaa Logo 5.0 Cracked
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